Il Postino Themes

The movie “Il Postino” was to me a very good movie. I believe the messages expressed in the film were meaningful, and it was fairly entertaining. The plot and story was pretty good and well put together. Overall I was pleased with the film and I would give it a 7 out 10, with 10 being the best.

There were several themes expressed in this film. There were themes about poetry, love, and life/social class.

I gathered a theme  that  expressed poetry comes from the soul, like how when the main character Mario asked Pablo how to write a poem and Pablo’s only answer was to write it because it comes from you.

Some themes that expressed love were about friendship, romance, patriotism, and family. The theme about patriotism was expressed when Mario wrote a poem about how beautiful Italy was, and he expressed his communistic views. Friendship theme was expressed throughout the movie as Mario and Pablo grew to love each other as friends through everything they did. And it was evident that Pablo indeed loved Mario back because he was genuinely sad when he heard the news of Mario’s death.  The romance theme was expressed when Mario was trying to get with Beatrice his future wife. He expressed his love for her through poems, odes etc.

These themes and other aspects of the film all together made the movie “Il Postino” a great one.


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